Thursday, August 03, 2006

I Love Tropical Fruit

I love to share music with people, often long after they have grown tired of it. In that fine tradition I would like to take the opportunity to blather on a bit about Rhythm and Sound which I have liked for quite a while. This is the kind of stuff with bass that jiggles your internal organs around. This is the kind of stuff that conjures up images of smokey rooms, incense, dreadlocks, and the various stages of "le chill out". "Mango Drive" (hence my tropical fruit theme!) is the kind of song which sneaks up on you - it seems so mellow at first but by the end it has a much harder edge, and a real dark side.
My abiding memory of ths song is playing it to a bunch of people at the beginning of a party where everyone was kind of milling around talking. The music was not loud and no one really payed any attention when the song came on, but after a while everyone was moving just a little bit in time to the music. So much fun.

Otherwise, ere's some more stream of consciousness:

  • A quick message from the Snoemus: Remember to empty your pockets before you put clothes in the washing machine!

  • If you haven't checked out Pandora yet, you should. Best internet radio going.

  • Found this picture on the net, from the Canary Islands. The caption read: "An exhausted immigrant crawls ashore while tourists look on. Islanders are increasingly worried about the immigrants' effect on tourism and the spread of disease." Scary stuff - when did everyone stop giving a shit?


  • If you get that funny feeling like someone is watching you, it's probably because agent Fox Mulder turns 46 today.


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